Iluminación de entrada

Gran variedad de iluminación artesanal en Authentage

Authentage has a large choice of handcrafted outdoor lighting, including lighting for your driveway. Both our collection of ground lamps and our collection of "on pole" lamps are perfectly suited as driveway lighting. Our ground lamps are simply installed on the ground. Our "on pole" lamps are simply placed next to the driveway or driveway. 

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Nuestras colecciones combinan materiales sostenibles de alta calidad con la última tecnología en iluminación.

Se montan a mano en Bélgica, lo que permite personalizarlas.

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Iluminación indicadora: ideal para un camino de entrada corto

Looking for the right lighting for your driveway? In our outdoor driveway lighting, the "Galed" and "Beautique" ranges offer so-called indicative lighting. This type of lighting is ideal for illuminating a short driveway or driveway. These small lighting fixtures illuminate a small driveway in a sophisticated way, without dazzling with strong light. This feature also makes this type of ground lighting ideal for steps or terraces. 

Driveway lighting for a strong lighting effect 

There is also driveway lighting that provides greater brightness. Outdoor lighting such as the "Charmond", "Balume", or "Micro" can be placed next to your driveway or driveway, providing full illumination. You can also use them to create a strong lighting effect in your garden or on your terrace. Simply insert the "Micro on pin" or "Charmond on pin" into the ground quickly and easily. Similarly, the "Balume Wooden Pole" just needs to be inserted into the ground, with no additional cement required. As the name suggests, it is fixed on characterful tropical hardwood. In turn, the Charmond can be fixed by screwing it into the ground. In addition, you can simply place ground lights such as the "Charmond on Base" or "Charmond on Driver base" next to your driveway to fully illuminate it. Other eye-catchers within our outdoor lighting driveway lighting collection are the "Vitrine Ground" or "ALB Garden Pole".

La iluminación de entrada adecuada para un efecto de iluminación personalizado

Sea cual sea la iluminación de entrada que elija, con la iluminación de entrada de Authentage siempre tendrá la seguridad de disfrutar de una luz cálida y agradable. Esto inmediatamente da al jardín de su hotel, restaurante o casa una inyección de atmósfera y carácter. Las luminarias de Authentage son lo suficientemente potentes como para iluminar su entrada o camino de entrada, mostrando a usted mismo, o a sus visitantes, el camino correcto. Nuestra colección "Charmond" también ofrece la opción de hacer que la lámpara brille con más intensidad en los momentos en que se pasa por delante de ella. Después, vuelve automáticamente al ajuste atenuado. De este modo, siempre disfrutará de un nivel de luz óptimo.

Apueste por la atmósfera y el carácter con la iluminación para su entrada de Authentage

Upright lighting from Authentage are not just fixtures on a tripod. They are characterful lighting fixtures designed in Belgium and whose pieces are assembled into a whole in Belgium.Authentage's robust materials and familiar house style add value to any type of environment. This could, for example, be the exterior of a classic home, or that of a rather modern classic environment. Moreover, Authentage's driveway lights can withstand outdoor humidity. All lamps are beautiful on their own, but can also be concealed between plants, illuminating the driveway. 

Bronce: nuestro color más popular para la iluminación del camino de entrada

At Authentage, bronze-coloured luminaires are one of the bestsellers. As such, the hue is unique. If you look from afar, the bronze strongly resembles black. But if you look from close up, you can definitely see the bronze colour. Do keep in mind that the colours of the Authentage driveway lights may change as the lamps age, as they are designed for outdoor use. But don't worry, this only makes them more beautiful. This applies to both the material of the fixtures, as well as the hardwood. 

Iluminación de entradas a medida en Authentage

Driveway lighting provides the desired atmosphere and safety at any time of day. Are you a landscaper or interior designer, and looking for something very specific in terms of driveway lighting? At Authentage, you can have driveway lighting custom-made. We also use timeless materials for this custom-made lighting, combined with the latest lighting technology.